Morse Code Mantra

A sound art piece for The Interludes, a project developed for Radio Paleis Maashaven by radio collective Good Times Bad Times (GTBT).


Under the umbrella of the bigger Studio Paleis Maashaven (2022) project by Sculpture International Rotterdam a series of 4 radio broadcasts was presented live from Het Gemaal op Zuid, in collaboration with Operator Radio.

The Interludes could be heard in the interstices of the broadcast: a collection of sound works that were submitted and selected via the open call or at the invitation of radio collective Good Times Bad Times (GTBT). On the 13th of February 2022 with the following works and makers (in random order:) Ceola Tunstall Behrens – Sound memories, Levi Lanser – Sometimes I Wish It Wasn’t So Easy To Think Of You, Jorg Schellekens – Morse Code Mantra, Puck Kroon – Fragments in view, Antrianna Moutoula – A Continuous Present, Ben Tupper – Ghost Notes, Sarah Ourahmane – The Lesser Gods of the Sea, Guillem S. Arquer and Kate Price – Turning The Compost Pile.

GTBT (Good Times Bad Times) is a radio station and collective that broadcasts weekly on Wednesdays from their workspace ‘Extra Practice’ in Rotterdam. GTBT was founded in early 2020 by Jack Bardwell, Benjamin Earl and Kirsten Spruit out of interest in the creative and connecting power of radio in precarious times. GTBT fills the gaps in the programming with ‘The Interludes’: submitted and selected works by a multitude of other radio and sound makers.

There was a technical problem at the start of the show which unfortunately messed up the first attempt at playing Morse Code Mantra. But around 47:12 there is a (successful) second try!


13 February 2022, Operator Radio