Dag Papa

Duo Solo Danspartners, Theater a/d Rijn

Music for a dance solo by Alioune Diagne.


In the performance Day Papa, the Senegalese choreographer, dancer, painter and father Alioune Diagne investigates the male branch of his family tree.

What changes and what stays the same when you become a father? As a father, what do you pass on to your son and what not? How much do previous generations weigh on the choices you make for the future generation? Are you gradually becoming more and more like your father, or not? Dag Papa is a moving solo performance in which Alioune interweaves dance, text and painting – just like his grandfather, who was a weaver.


Concept, choreography, dance: Alioune Diagne
Direction: Leo Spreksel
Music: Jorg Schellekens
Scenography: Alioune Diagne
Music: Jorg Schellekens


25 March 2021, Stadsgehoorzaal Kampen (Kampen, NL)
without a live audience due to covid-19 prevention regulations