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Schauspielhaus Zürich

Music, sound design and light co-design for Bram Jansen’s take on Wolfram Lotz’ hit play about the meaning of life and theatre.


The theater characters Lum and Purl Schweitzke question the reason for their existence. To have a child together – they decide – could give them a task and a meaning. But they soon discover that the play they are in does not intend for them to have a child. Instead the Master of Ceremonies takes over and gives representatives from history and media the opportunity to send messages into space through a special device.

The researcher Rafinesque, the single parent Klaus Alberts, his daughter Hilda, a resurrected Kleist – they all appear and tell the story of their pain and failure, only to be asked to send a single final word into space. Wolfram Lotz dismantles the classic dramatic structure and re-assembles it. The search for the meaning of life and the desire to overcome the reality of death turn into a game with the structure of theater and its means.

video: Julia Bodamer


Text: Wolfram Lotz
Director: Bram Jansen
Actors: Sofia Elena Borsani, Fritz Fenne, Claudius Körber, Miriam Maertens, Matthias Neukirch, Nicolas Rosat, André Willmund
Scenography & costume design: Stefan Jakiela
Base archtitecture (‘Grundraum’): Bettina Meyer
Music & sound design: Jorg Schellekens
Choreography: Ryan Djojokarso
Assistant director: Sonja Streifinger
Light design: Thomas Adam & Jorg Schellekens


27 February 2016, Pfauen/Kammer, Schauspielhaus Zürich (Zürich, CH)