
Ryan Djojokarso

Music for a dance duet by Ryan Djojokarso, made together with Guido Langendoen.

Balts was awarded the first prize at the first edition of the Berner Tanzpreiz in 2014, the Critic’s Award at the 27th International Choreographic Competition Hannover (2013) and the ‘outstanding dancer of the evening’ award (for Mayke van Kruchten) at the Copehagen International Choreographic Competition (2013).


Courtship (in Dutch: ‘balts’) is the common name for a special animal behavior, intended to attract mates and to persuade them to mating. Many species have special behaviors to find a partner during the breeding season. Often exterior features are flaunted and gifts are offered to the partner. Especially in birds courtship behavior is often highly developed.

The courtship increases the willingness to mate because during courtship the sexual motivation increases. At the same time courtship reduces aggression between partners.

​The dancers depict various elements of a mating ritual in a duet of an undiscovered/undefined species. 

We observe a dialogue in which the body movements of the partners seeks the same rhythm. It’s about whether they can lock in with each other. If they can, the mating is near.

The theatre situation has many parallels with a mating ritual. 

Who impresses whom? Who is mirrored to whom? And who mates with whom now?

Looking is participating.


Concept & choreography: Ryan Djojokarso & Bram Jansen 
Sound design & music: Jorg Schellekens & Guido Langendoen
Performed by: Mayke van Kruchten & Ryan Djojokarso


29 March 2013, Stærekassen (Copehagen, DK)