Korzo Productions

Music for a dance solo by Poernima Gobardhan, in addition to music by John Ozbay and Wilbert van den Boogert


MY PITṚS questions the linear sense of time. Our present cannot be understood without the past. The past, the history of our ancestors, also plays a decisive role in our individual timeline. In this way, every life is preserved in the minds of subsequent generations and death is seen as a transition to another phase, in contrast to the Western view where death is seen as an end. In this solo by Gobardhan, we reflect on the phenomenon of mortality in our lives using Bharata Natyam as a movement language.


Choreography & dance: Poernima Gobardhan
Choreography & direction: Leo Spreksel
Music: John Ozbay, Jorg Schellekens, Wilbert van den Boogert
Light design: Albert Tulling
Costume design: Jorrien Schoneveld


5 May 2021, Korzo Studio X (online)