While The Leaves Are Blowing (TWOOLS 18)

Scapino Ballet

Music for a dance piece by Ryan Djojokarso, made for Scapino Ballet as part of Twools 18, presenting work by 6 choreographers in an evening length program.


While The Leaves Are Blowing is an ode to them for who it seems impossible to find the right partner. Are we too critical when it comes to finding the perfect partner? Is it a bad thing to stay single? Like a nature documentary we look at a group of people that gathers at a meeting point: it is the final day to find a partner. 

“The desire for companionship is one of the strongest urges in life. But looking for an ideal partner can become a long and lonely search. What can we do to win someone over?”  David Attenborough – Life Story


Choreography: Ryan Djojokarso
Sound design / music: Jorg Schellekens
Light design: Xavier Spruit Bleeker 
Voice over: Thomas Dudkiewicz, with quotes of Rainer Maria Rilke and David Attenborough
Dancers: Patricia Gomes Rodrigues, Charley Hoorens van Heiningen, Emmily van Horssen, Leslie Humbert, Ellen Landa, Reid Cuming, Alexander Cyr, Dario Minoia, Luigi de Stefano, Ruochen Wang
Production: Scapino Ballet Rotterdam   


6 June 2018, Theater Rotterdam – Schouwburg (Rotterdam, NL)