Maarten de Meeuw

Toneelmakerij i.s.m. tg. Winterberg

Music and sound design for Daniël van Klaveren’s Maarten de Meeuw (‘Maarten the Seagull’) a contemporary fairytale for ages 5 and up, made together with puppeteer Marlyn Coetsier (tg Winterberg). In collaboration with George Dhauw.


Maarten is a perfectly normal boy. He lives in a wooden house with crooked walls and sand on the floor together with his father, mother and baby sister. There are no doors, but there is one round window, right at the top of the house.

Father sits at the kitchen table, buried up to his waist in a pile of sand. He never leaves his spot and drinks his coffee contentedly. From one of the kitchen cupboards a strange chirping and squeaking can be heard. It is Maarten’s baby sister. Maarten is never allowed to see her. ‘You will see her when she is big’, his parents say. Two very old, complaining seagulls live in a birdcage above the kitchen counter. Sometimes they tell stories from the past and their eyes start to shine. But then father throws a cloth over the cage and they go silent again.

Maarten has had strange butterflies in his stomach lately. What do those old seagulls have to say? And what was that feather doing in his bed the other day when he woke up..?

Maarten de Meeuw is a performance about the courage to stick your neck out, spread your wings and fly. A surreal fairy tale with dolls and objects for everyone from 5 to 105.


written and directed by: Daniël van Klaveren
puppets and objects: Marlyn Coetsier
performers: Roel Adam, Marlyn Coetsier and Sander Plukaard
dramaturgy: Paulien Geerlings
scenography and costume design: Esmée Thomassen
light design: Wilfred Loopstra
music: Jorg Schellekens in collaboration with George Dhauw (internship)
assistent director: Noufri Bachdim
photography: Sanne Peper


27 February 2016, Jeugdtheater De Krakeling (Amsterdam, NL)