Bureau Dégradé

Light design for an interdisciplinary performance by Bureau Dégradé.


After Motel Detroit (a performance about the US) and Polonium 210 (about Russia), Dégradé now returns to its roots in Belgium. Theater makers Carl Beukman and David Geysen made a road trip as a preparation for this performance. From the Flemish fields that saw the Great War, they drove from Waterloo past the abandoned industry of Charleroi and ended in Brussels. Based on those experiences, they create a performance with the main character being Louis Seynaeve, the character from Hugo Claus’s famous book, The Sorrow of Belgium.


Directed by: David Geysen & Carl Beukman
With and by: Carl Beukman, David Geysen, Katarina Justic, Ernst Löw
Music & sound design: Carl Beukman
Scenography: Reier Pos
Light design: Jorg Schellekens


22 September 2017, Korzo (The Hague, NL)