Korzo Productions

Music, sound & light design for a short dance piece by Ryan Djojokarso and Bram Jansen. On location in the Pulchri Studios gallery as part of a walking tour visiting several performances during the CaDance festival.


Six out of ten people have a smartphone and whether they’re on the train, in the car, on the bike – or even on the toilet – phone addicts take their device anywhere. Scrolling, gaming, texting. Everything in order not having to miss out on information. But while they are bent over their smartphone, they are completely secluded from the outer physical world.

Is this a new sort of contact we’re looking for in this changing world we live in? Is this new kind of world where we hide in, a place where you never have to be alone? And can’t this new form of digital contact be very intimate? Or do we stay on the surface, afraid for the observer’s eye.

How realistic is a classical ‘pas de deux’ as a reflection of how we communicate with each other nowadays?


Concept & choreography:Ryan Djojokarso & Bram Jansen
Dancers: Mayke van Kruchten & Rutkay Özpinar
Music, light & sound design: Jorg Schellekens


31 January 2015, Pulchri Studios (Den Haag, NL)