En Plein Publiek

Rotterdam Festivals / V2_Institute for unstable media

A series of sound art pieces made for an installation in the public space of Rotterdam.


En Plein Publiek is a series of four sonic portraits of Rotterdam squares. Made especially for Soundpiece, a loudspeaker installation installed underneath yet another Rotterdam square: the Schouwburgplein.

Soundpiece is intended to distribute sound fragments that are connected to cultural life in Rotterdam. Soundpiece has its own program and is often part of the program of festivals, exhibitions, concerts, performances and art projects in Rotterdam.

Soundpiece is a collaboration between Rotterdam Festivals and V2_Institute for unstable media, which was responsible for the technical development and installation.


Concept & composition: Jorg Schellekens
Curator Soundpiece: David Dooghe


26 September 2011, Schouwburgplein (Rotterdam, NL)