Get The Fuck Out Of My Pool

Likeminds Factory / Bureau Dégradé

Light design for a collaboration between Dégradé and the young talents of the Likeminds Factory.


photo Casper Koster

“Six young top talents jump in at the deep end and never resurface”

“Sick minds who came up with this”

“Get the fuck out of my pool is a relevant contemporary fairy tale”

“No strings attached”

“Why all this nudity in youth theater?”

“The performance Get the fuck out of my pool tells a lot in just a few words”

“Dégradé’s collaboration with Likeminds makes you curious about their own performance in Belgium in September”

photo Casper Koster


Not suitable for pregnant women.

Six young souls come face to face with their nightmares. And are confronted with their inner fears.

The Likeminds Factory is a preparatory course for Theater Making by the Likeminds. Where young people (ages 16 to 25) can develop their talents as a theater maker. The starting point is: learning by doing.

For this production the young people collaborated with Bureau Dégradé, consisting of Carl Beukman and David Geysen. The name Dégradé represents the transience and decay of everything around us and the beauty that lies hidden in it.

photo Casper Koster


Direction: Carl Beukman & David Geysen
Performers: Saleha Alladien, Lavinia Aronson, Finn Borath, Julia Lürsen, Brahim Moujalis and Rosa Urban
Light design: Jorg Schellekens
Video: Finn Borath
Photography: Casper Koster


30 May 2017, Frascati 4 (Amsterdam, NL)