
October 2024

Fall weather has reached Rotterdam and the new theatre season is off to a busy start.

October 17th will see the première of We Are Doing Great, a new work by choreographer Antonin Rioche at Korzo. A theatrical exploration of ‘the suspended moment at the conclusion of most relationships, a pause fueled by the fear of the inevitable separation’. For this piece I’m doing additional sound design, surrounding a score of existing ‘memory songs’ selected by Antonin. After the première the piece can also been seen in Theater Bellevue on Tuesday 22/10.

On October 21st I am co-hosting an online introduction to the new Grapes3D spatial audio software, on behalf of the OISTAT Sound Design group. Developer Felix Deufel of Grapes3D will show his project which enables manufacturer-agnostic programming of spatial audio, useable for controlling multiple spatializer engines from a single interface. Feel very welcome to join if you have an interest in spatial audio. (If you are not an OISTAT member just select “guest” on the registration form.)

September 2024

The newest news is this website itself! Long overdue it now serves as a personal web presence and archive at once. While a big part of the archive is still to be added I hope to at least keep up with current works and projects. Design by Sibe Kokke / NOTDEF (Thank you!)

On September 13th HERFST by Libi / Ryan Djojokarso can be seen one more time. The piece was selected for the Dutch Theaterfestival, which means the jury rated it as one of the best performances of the 2023/2024 season. A fusion of dance, theatre, music and visual arts this work about mourning by Ryan Djojokarso is both universal and extremely personal at once. I had the great pleasure of making music for it, together with singers Bernadeta Astari and Tiffany Vicario who are performing live. Venue for the reprise is the International Theater Amsterdam. (tickets and more information)